samedi 6 octobre 2007


Well, I think the time for you has come to have some news.
Everything is ok here, even the weather which has been pretty sunny for three days. I am living with 12 other students of whom 3 other French. We are trying to improve our English, as you can read; it’s quite hard for everyone (except for Anne, you will be able to see her hair in a picture).
My room is just 9m², but it is a pleasant one (of course, seen from the 18th floor, any city is the most beautiful anyone has ever seen). Birmingham is an ugly place, really, but it has a charm, a real pretty charm coming from nowhere.

For the moment, everything is well, except for the fact that I am not able to take Harry Potter in my hand, and try reading.
Lectures are quite difficult (especially economy) but I think it is quite normal for a foreigner in that country.

I am sorry for this post which is about my real life, but it is the easiest way for me to let everybody know about my state of mind.
Anyway, see you soon, via e-mails, letters, msn or skype, and please,

Philou, learning a new language.

Sometimes, life is but a Washing Machine.

Birmingham, Lawrence Tower, le 6/10/2007

3 commentaires:

dem a dit…

Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce gland collé contre la vitre de sa chambre ... La vie sexuelle à B'gham est-elle si triste ?
Allez les B'ghamois !! Jettez-vous sur Philou !!

Anonyme a dit…

Je me trouve super élégante, moi, sur ces photos... (bon OK, les deux où j'apparais).

Anonyme a dit…

Grand dieu, il a utilisé une machine à laver!!! Promis j'appelle ta mère ce soir, on était si inquiètes à l'idée de te savoir gambadant tout nu dans les rues pavées de rosbifs... Au moins, je pourrai lui dire que tu arbores fièrement tes frusques rosies par la jolie chemise rouge que tu auras pris soin de ne pas mélanger au reste de tes vêtements! Zous mon minou